At last April’s arrival, with longer, lighter days and a continuing improvement in the weather, brings with it a grand and exciting awakening in our gardens.
Some of the many Jobs to be done in April:
Lawns can be treated with moss and weed killers. Add spring (high nitrogen) lawn feed with selective lawn weed killer. Raise mower blades and mow more frequently, gradually lowering blade height.
It is very important to spring clean and disinfect the greenhouse to get rid of over-wintering pests and diseases; spider mites are the most troublesome.
Young plants (including over wintered cuttings) can be hardened off under cover.
Sow hardy annuals, e.g. Thunbergia, Ipomoea, Lathyrus (sweet pea) all colourful, long flowering climbers. Search for what appeals to you. Plant summer bulbs e.g. Galtonia (tall summer Hyacinth,) Crocosmia (Montbretia), Alstromeria (Peruvian Lily), Agapanthus (African Lily). Check on line for specialist bulb growers.
Prune early shrubs after flowering, but do check the shrub first, especially before cutting into old wood!
New shrubs or small trees can be planted now but keep them well watered.
Enjoy April