Greetings to you all
You will now find I hope a clearer more readable navigation through SC4G web site to look for science based Gardening and Horticultural info.
The quick and easy understandable very readable free delivery book Science for The Gardener personally signed by myself is available on the front Home page ,Just click on it to buy a copy. It does and has made a very popular readable Christmas and Birthday Present we have found over the last three years since publication !!.
If you have a general garden science based question to ask ,use the contact page and I will endeavour to respond asap with no charge .
Sadly I cannot offer Talks again for some time due to to the recent bereavement of my wife .
I would strongly suggest perhaps having an explore around this website starting by scrolling down and around the Home page ,then chosing other main Headings of interest such as
HOME Buy the Book .Learn about RHS Courses.Further. Reading .Follow us
ABOUT Why I wrote Sc4G book and started the website ,important info for teachers too.
SHOP Buy Sc4Gardener Book and also Powerpoint 55 Illustrated Sc4Gardener Slides
( imprtant -useful info Young Horticulturist . Gardening Education . Info for teachers and Recommended Reading
BLOG (my seasonal OCT 2021 garden -environmental chat and SEARCH PAST BLOGS EASILY )
CONTACT (enquiries -info required )
I wish you all well and a big thank you for your support world wide over the last 7 years .Do make contact should you wish ,my other social media apps will be up and running later this month ,f book is available now .
TonyArnold MCIHort